Flight and Field Rules
Updated 8/2021
- Model Flying must be in accordance with current AMA National Model Aircraft Safety Handbook.
- This is required for AMA Liability Protection to apply.
A Copy of the Safety Handbook can be accessed through the AMA Website
All Transmitters are required to be Narrow Band.
- No flying before 8:30 AM or after 8:30 PM (Except non-power or electric models)
- Mufflers are required on all 2 stroke engines. (Db’s will fall under AMA guideline)
- 4-stroke engines are not required to have mufflers. (Db’s will fall under AMA guideline)
- Pilots must have Frequency Pin from the cabinet in the shelter if you are flying on 72MHz.
- Maximum of 4 Aircraft in the air at one time.
- No taxiing of Aircraft in or through the Pit Area.
- Maximum of 15 minutes flying time if someone is waiting to go up.
- Absolutely no take-offs or landing towards the Pits. (North)
- No flying over or North of the Pilots Flight Line Stations.
All flying to be done from behind the pilot protection fence.
- If one or more pilots are flying you are to notify them you are taking off and to what direction.
- When preparing to land you are to notify the other pilots and from which direction.
- If the need arises to go out in the field to retrieve a plane you are to notify the other pilots. (On the field)
- When you have returned, notify the other pilots. (Clear)
- When two or more aircraft are in the air at one time, pilots will establish the flying pattern.
(14, 15, 16, 17, Make sure all pilots acknowledge all your requests) - Helicopter or Multicopter Pilots are subject to all the above Flight and Field Rules.
- All flying will be from the West of the flight stations, where the helipad is located unless you are the only one up.
- Fixed Wing Aircraft have the right away for takeoffs and landings.
- If performing official photography and videography of aircraft for the club, inform Fixed Wing Aircraft pilots of your intended flight path.
- All aircraft are to be facing south when being started.
- New members that state they are experienced pilots must perform a check out flight with a Board Member, Safety Officer, or Club Instructor.
- No breaking in of engines at the field. (Long-running of an engine on the grounds)
- No Alcohol on the premises.
- Do not leave any trash at the field.
Turbine Powered Aircraft flying may be restricted by field owner or Club Board if certain field conditions exist particularly fire hazard.
Notice will be posted at shelter area and via email.
Take offs and landings are NOT allowed on fabric runway.
- Model Flying must be in accordance with current AMA National Model Aircraft Safety Handbook.